Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Create,host free website with Google app engine (Php,Java,Python,Go)

Google App Engine provides service for creating free website using google app engine sdk.
You can use Php,Java,Python,Go language to create your website. I'm gonna create website in PHP using

Java : Using App Engine’s Java runtime environment, build your apps using standard Java technologies.
Python: App Engine features a fast Python interpreter and standard Python libraries.
PHP: App Engine uses Google's Cloud Platform services, PHP functions.
Go : App Engine features a Go runtime environment that runs Go code.

Note : google gives 2GB bandwidth/month for per application 

Step 1:
Create google app engine account https://appengine.google.com .

Step 2:
Log into your account and click on "create application".
Step 3:
Enter the application name  (example : thehackfi ) and application title you need to remember the application name.
Step 4:
Now you have created your website( http://thehackfi.appspot.com ) , now you have to upload "index.php"
to your app engine. Downlaod the PHP SDK from google. (Downlaod PHP SDK) .and install on your Pc.
Open "Google app engine launcher". File>create new application.
Now enter the same name as you created in "Step 3"(  thehackfi ). and select runtime as PHP.
Step 5:
Now create "index.php" file inside "thehackfi" folder.
index.php file code is below:

<body bgcolor="lightblue">

echo "<h1>Thehackfi first apps</h1>";

inside "thehackfi" folder.and save the file.

Step 6:
Open "app.yaml" file which is automatically genrated by sdk adn edit
script: main.php >> script: index.php

Step 7:
Click on "deploy" button , enter your app engine email id, password  and click on ok button.

It will take 15 second to upload the project. now your website is live ( http://thehackfi.appspot.com/ )

Done. for more info https://developers.google.com/appengine/