Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How to run Firefox os on pc(Using firefox browser)

Now you can run run Firefox os simulator on your pc

Step 1:
Download and install Firefox browser 

Step 2:
and click on the "Add to firefox".

Step 3:
After adding addon to the firefox go to "Firefox >> Web Developer >> Firefox os simulator"

Step 4:
Click on "Stopped ".

Step 5:

Now simulator is ready to use.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Hide Last Seen In Whatsapp

Hide your last seen status on Whatsapp

Step 1:
Download Whatsapp from here http://www.whatsapp.com/android/ .

Step 2:
Install Whatsapp on your mobile and open Whatsapp.

Step 3:
Go to Setting>>Account>>Privacy .

Step 4:
Click on "last seen" and select "Nobody".

Thursday, 13 February 2014

How to Run Whatsapp on pc( without Bluestacks)

Easy steps to run whatsapps on your  computer/laptop.

Watch video : http://youtu.be/YTK5GQZqfoE

Step 1:
Download Android SDK(eclipse) and Extract into your pc.

Step 2:
Open Android SDK(eclipse)  and goto "Window > Android Virtual Device manager".

Step 3:
Click on new and after that set
AVD Name ="Testwhatsapp" ,
Ram="768MB" or "512MB"
SD card size="200MB" and click on Ok button.

Step 4:
Start  Virtual device "Testwhatsapp". It will take time to start about 2-3min . Once your "Testwhatsapp" started Open the android browser inside that device and download "whatsapps" form any 3rd party.
or you can upload your whatsapps.apk file to any drive(google drive,skydrive,yandex.disk,dropbox) and download from there into your "Testwhatsapp" Virtual device.

Step 5:
After downloading whatsapps install into your "Testwhatsapp" virtual device. After installation open whatapps and enter mobile number and start Using whatsapps (Note: Mobile number should be on because whatsapps send a text msg to that number for the confirmation)

Start using whatsapps...

Friday, 7 February 2014

How to Steal Session , Cookies

Cookie is a small amount of data which is stored on the client browser as well as on the server. and this stored data remember that user wherever he come back to same website and the website gives access to the user account without using his password.

Here is trick how to use Cookie and session to Login into other user account without using any password.
(for educational purpose only)

Step 1:
Download and install Mozilla Firefox browser.(only works with Mozilla Firefox)

Step 2:
Open Mozilla Firefox and press "Ctrl+Shift+A" and search for Add-ons "greasemonkey" . Install the "greasemonkey" to the browser.

Step 3:
After adding "greasemonkey" to browser restart the browser and goto this URL http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/119798 and Click on "Install" Button.

Step 4:
Open the website in which you want to inject that cookie. Now press "Alt+c" key you will see on Text box on the browser paste Cookie into the blank Textbox and refresh the page.

How to get Cookie?
Whenever the user login into website the cookie is created and stored on his browser.
To see Cookie paste this code into your browser(opera browser only) URL
"  javascript:alert(document.cookie);  "
and there are many way to find cookies http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp ,

Note : This trick may not work on "https" protocol.